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An Outdoor Antenna for the 5G Era: The Mobility 42G

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A 7-in-1 antenna with a single, small footprint, the Pepwave Mobility 42G provides an unmatched range of connectivity. Equipped with four cellular, two Wi-Fi, and a GPS antenna, it’s ready to connect devices like the MAX Transit Duo, MAX Transit CAT-18, and MAX Transit 5G to a single IP68-rated housing. And with a wide frequency range of 600-6000MHz, it’s ready to support both 5G and LTE, ensuring that you’ll experience truly Unbreakable Connectivity anytime and anywhere.

Mobility Antenna Features

Learn about Peplink’s full line of innovative antennas

The Pepwave Mobility 42G is now available from Frontier Computer Corp.
Contact your representative to order.

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