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Introducing Breanne Fortuna, Channel Development Representative

Breanne joined the Frontier Computer Corp. Channel Sales team in March 2022.

Mille Marvel
Mille Marvel
Millie & Snowy
Millie & Snowy
Millie helps
Millie helping
Millie lounges
Millie lounges in the sun
Ruca and the cats
Ruca and the cats

What does a day in your work life look like?

A day in my work life is coming in to FrontierUS at 8:00 am to a freshly brewed pot of delicious coffee, cranking out phone calls to foster long-lasting relationships with our valued partners, learning a mind-bending amount of technological information to sell internet connectivity solutions, and bonding with my esteemed colleagues through shared experiences.

What do you love about your job?

My co-workers and the knowledge I’m gaining in the IT space. And the office dogs. I LOVE all the dogs.

What do you like to do outside of work?

I love pretty much any sport, but mountain biking, soccer, basketball and volleyball are my favorites. Swimming in Omena Bay in the summer months, coaching my daughter in soccer, gardening, and riding bikes with my friends and husband have to be the highlight of the summer months. I also love to sit on a porch with a good book.

Do you have any pets?

I wish I owned an office dog, but we are currently between canine companions. We have two cats who are litter mates, Millie and Snowy, but you wouldn’t guess they are related (clearly).

What’s something about you people might not know?

I was a First Team All State Soccer goalie. Sometimes when people first meet me, I don’t strike them as the competitive, athletic type, and I like to surprise them.

Interested in working with Breanne and the FrontierUS team?