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3 Ways 5G Is Revolutionizing Public Transportation

As adoption of 5G continues to accelerate, it’s becoming clear that this technology has the power to completely transform Public Transportation. High-bandwidth, low-latency 5G connections have driven an astonishing increase in the number of IoT devices online.

Those devices have rapidly improved the quality and availability of real-time data, enabling huge gains in safety as well as efficiency. 5G also allows major advances in the services that transportation providers can extend to their customers.

5G Public Transportation Blog Improved Safety

Improved Safety with 5G

Passenger safety is the highest priority for public transportation agencies, and 5G adoption has numerous safety advantages. High-bandwidth 5G connections make it possible to send live HD video footage from multiple cameras to agency offices. Recorded video can be transmitted at lightning speed as well. This video footage ensures accurate accident reporting and can help prevent many incidents altogether.

An array of IoT sensors can provide real-time data on everything from tire pressure to oil volume. Even the behaviors of drivers can be monitored to minimize accident risks. The frequency of sharp turns, abrupt braking, and excessive speeds can be tracked and addressed before an accident occurs.

IoT sensors can also track the number of passengers boarding and leaving vehicles. If an emergency situation arises, first responders can rely on accurate passenger counts to make optimal decisions that can save lives.

Increased Efficiency

5G also enables improved location tracking and statistics. Dispatchers can see exact vehicle locations to ensure optimal route selection for every vehicle in the fleet. It is possible to play back complete route histories and even send alerts with geofencing. This allows more efficient and effective logistics planning and execution.

Robust cloud-based network management unlocks even more efficiency gains. With this technology, administrators can push configurations and firmware updates to hundreds of devices with a single click regardless of the devices’ location.

5G Public Transportation Blog Increased Efficiency
5G Public Transportation Blog Customer Experience

Better Customer Experience

5G enables public transportation agencies to provide a better customer experience than ever before. A highly secure private wireless network can be used to transmit sensitive data. Using the same router and 5G connection, they can create a separate public network to allow clients to access the internet while in transit. Traffic can be prioritized to ensure mission-critical applications always have sufficient bandwidth.

In addition, by using a captive portal, it is possible for agencies to monetize this offering by featuring advertising from local businesses. By doing so, they can both provide a service riders have come to expect while subsidizing the complete connectivity solution.

Real time location data can also be utilized to improve customer experience by providing live updates of departure and arrival times for vehicles in the fleet.

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