SD-WAN for Poets

People in the IT Business can chat for hours in an alphabet soup of code words that fly over the heads of even some of the technically connected. It’s easy to tune them out (and often a saved migraine). Sometimes, however, it is good to know what all those letters mean. We have moved past the days when tech people did their thing and the rest of us just went on with our lives. In the case of planners in any business, even poets, it is important to know what those tech guys are droning on about, and even ask a few questions occasionally. In the Primer of Basic IT Acronyms, the connection terms LAN, WAN, and SD-WAN are lesson one.


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The IBM Power 770 Server

Robust, Modular & Good Looking

At the end of 2016, Corey, our IBM expert received five IBM Power 770 Servers (9117-MMC). We had them shipped from their previous installment in Las Vegas. Although IBM withdrew the P770 from the market in November of 2015, these are in no way EOL. The P770 is a server for cloud implementation. As IBM says, they are “virtualized from within.” IBM expected users to consolidate the functions of entire racks of blades or other small servers into one P770.


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Old Hardware that Won’t Quit

At the end of December, everyone looks to the trends for the coming year. Let’s summarize what everyone else is saying. In 2017, more IT managers will virtualize and more operations will move to the cloud. Security is going to be not just a concern, but also a full time position for larger IT operations. Around the office, you are going to have to figure out if you really want hook up your new “smart” refrigerator to the same network where you keep your inventory and accounting records.


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Putting LTE-Advanced to Work

Pepwave has shipped MAX BR1 mini with LTE-A. Other Pepwave and Peplink cellular devices that are LTE-A capable will follow. LTE-A is not just another incremental step, but the beginning of the next wave.


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Connectivity Implications for Coming Technology

In October of 2016, Gartner issued a report on the direction things will take in 2017. The vision is forward looking, examining what will come and begin to develop. They break it into three broad categories, Intelligent, Digital, and Mesh. They include Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Machine Learning, Intelligent Things, Adaptive Security Architecture, Virtual and Augmented Reality, and Digital Twins. They all have implications for today’s connectivity planning.


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Someone Else’s Server

According to Forbes Tech contributor Louis Columbus, “U.S.-based companies are budgeting $1.77M for cloud spending in 2017. He is so excited about it he suggests we Tweet this information, twice. There’s lots of chatter about the shift to cloud computing, and certainly, there will be profits made offering cloud services. Is it a revolution or just a change of location?


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That Scary Closet

Old IT hardware has a habit of multiplying. One afternoon during a system upgrade, you put last year’s server in the back of a maintenance closet. Before you know it, the mop bucket ends up in the hallway because the closet has become the IT graveyard. Most businesses avoid thinking about the closet, storeroom, or warehouse full of old IT hardware. Unused servers, switches, and routers are the dust bunnies of the IT world. Everyone knows they’re there, but no one want to talk about them.


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