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FWA Advantages for the Construction Vertical

Unique Challenges and Innovative Solutions

The construction vertical presents a number of unique connectivity challenges. Addressing these challenges requires a flexible, robust, and rugged connectivity solution that can adapt to the rigorous demands of construction sites and ensure that teams stay connected. In recent years, Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) technology has emerged as a reliable, cost-effective way to address these challenges. With the right FWA network connectivity solution, construction companies can maintain operational efficiency, safety, and security, even in the most challenging locations.

Challenge: Remote Locations

Many construction projects, especially infrastructure projects like roads and bridges, are in remote areas where wired internet service is not readily available.

Solution: Wireless Connectivity

FWA can provide high-speed internet access in locations where wired lines are unavailable or prohibitively expensive to install.

Construction Vertical Fixed Wirelss Access FWA Remote Locations

Challenge: Temporary Construction Sites

Construction sites require a flexible connectivity solution that can be easily set up then later moved to the next location.

Solution: Mobility and Flexibility

FWA allows for easy setup and relocation from one site to another, without the need for extensive cabling and infrastructure. This type of connectivity solution can also be deployed quickly to provide immediate internet access at new sites, making it ideal for the construction vertical.

Challenge: Harsh Outdoor Conditions

Construction sites frequently expose equipment to harsh conditions with vibrations, extreme temperatures, and high levels of dust and moisture. These environmental factors challenge the durability of networking equipment.

Solution: Ruggedized Networking Equipment

FrontierUS offers 5G FWA connectivity solutions that can withstand the harsh conditions of construction sites and ensure reliable performance in any environment.

Construction Vertical Fixed Wirelss Access FWA Harsh Outdoor Conditions
Construction Vertical Fixed Wirelss Access FWA Increasing Bandwidth Demands

Challenge: Increasing Bandwidth Demands

Construction projects increasingly rely on digital tools, from cloud-based project managment software to video conferencing platforms. These applications require high bandwidth, which can be challenging to reliably provide on remote sites. As projects progress, the size of the workforce may fluctuate, requiring connectivity solutions to be both flexible and easily scalable.

Solution: High Bandwidth and Easy Scalability with FWA

5G Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) can provide high bandwidth in in areas where wired connections are unavailable or prohibitively expensive. They can also be easily scaled to accommodate more users as needed, as is often the case for deployments in the construction vertical.

Challenge: On Site Security Requires Robust 24/7 Connectivity

Construction sites contain expensive machinery and materials, so security is a top priority. However, surveillance equipment and IP security cameras require reliable, high-speed connectivity, which is often difficult to achieve at remote sites.

Solution: FWA with Failover

FWA can support IP cameras for surveillance and IoT devices for monitoring construction equipment and worker safety. Leveraging Peplink SpeedFusion technology makes it possible to bond together multiple connections and seamlessly fail over to backup connections when a primary connection goes down. These capabilities can ensure that security cameras and IoT devices stay online 24/7.

Construction Vertical Fixed Wirelss Access FWA On Site Security

Complete FWA Solutions for Construction

FrontierUS offers reliable, flexible, and scalable network solutions that are ideal for addressing challenges in the construction vertical. We provide our partners with complete network connectivity solutions that can provide unbreakable connectivity even in the most demanding environments​​​​.


Complete Network Connectivity Solutions

FrontierUS stocks a wide range of rugged, reliable Peplink products, including routers, antennas, and switches that are an ideal fit for the construction vertical. This allows our Partners to offer their end-users complete network solutions that meet the specific needs of each construction project.

Advanced Configuration Services

With FrontierUS Advanced Configuration Services (ACS), Partners can deliver plug-and-play connectivity solutions directly to their customers. This approach reduces installation time and saves resources. These benefits are of particular benefit for deployments in the construction vertical, where tight project timelines are common.


Expert Support

FrontierUS acts as an extension of your team, providing expert pre-sales and post-sale support. This ensures that our Partners can confidently address any technical issues their end users encounter.


Data Bundling Opportunities

Through FrontierUS, Partners can bundle data services with connectivity solutions, providing a complete plug-and-play solution that meets all their customers’ connectivity needs. This can simplify the purchasing process for construction companies and provide our Partners with new revenue streams​​.

Join a Winning Team

Partner with FrontierUS to provide your end-users with robust, reliable, flexible connectivity solutions that can provide unbreakable connectivity in even the most challenging construction environments. Fill out the contact form below to learn more about Partnership opportunities.